Kevin Muench

Kevin Muench

Dr. Muench started his private practice in February 1988. Graduated from Boston College in 1980 with a B.S. Degree in Biology. In 1987, he graduated from New Jersey Dental School with honors and was elected into the Dental Honors Society, OKU. He received the Quintessence Operative Dentistry Award and the Dentsply Fixed Prosthodontics Award. In 1993, he received a Fellowship in the Academy of General Dentistry and in 2002 received a Masters in the Academy. He has completed greater than 1500 hours of continuing education since Dental School. He is an alumnus, visiting faculty, and an Advisory Board member of one of the most significant continuing education groups, The Pankey Institute. Kevin resides in his family home in Maplewood where he was born and raised. Kevin and his wife Eileen have three boys; Colin, Tommy, and Michael. They strongly believe that participation in community efforts are what make the difference in Maplewood NJ.


Why Study Occlusion?

By: Kevin Muench DMD, MAGDTopic Originally Appeared on I’m a restorative dentist with a passion for…

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phased dental treatments

How Phased Therapy Elevates Your Single Tooth Dentistry Every Time

By: Kevin Muench DMD, MAGD Time can work against you, or it can work for you if phased therapy…

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dental patients denials

Handling Patient’s Denials in Your Practice

By Mary Osborne RDH | June 28, 2024

By: Mary Osborne, RDHThis topic originally appeared on IgniteDDS was permitted to share it with our readers. Helping patients move past denial over their dental health is no easy feat. In your dental practice, you have likely encountered this situation many times.    Resolving denials within a dental practice requires a delicate balance of empathy, patience,…

Variolink Esthetic System Review

Variolink Esthetic System Review

By James Wanamaker | June 25, 2024

By: Dr. James Wanamaker When I became a dental practice owner, one of my goals was to simplify our systems. Prior to these changes, we utilized a variety of bonding agents from multiple brands, as well as different types of cements. This always made delivery appointments and training new assistants complicated. As my practice evolved…

overlapping of dental x-rays

Overlapping of Dental X-Rays & How to Avoid It

By Ronda Holman | June 24, 2024

By: Ronda Holman Dear Dental Reader, my name is Ronda Holman and I have been sitting across from a dentist for a living for the last 25 years. I thought it might be time to make some written confessions as to what I have been guilty of over the years and how my dentist was…

dentist checking patient for fremitus

What is Fremitus and Why Should You Check For It?

By Dr. Leonard Hess, DDS | June 21, 2024

By: Dr. Leonard A. Hess, DDSClinical Director, The Dawson AcademyThis article originally appeared on, Dr. Hess allowed igniteDDS to share with our readers. What is Fremitus? Fremitus is the vibration or movement of a tooth when teeth come into contact together. If you were to take your fingernail and put it on the front surface of a…

dental fuel

Navigating the Challenges of Team Building in Dental Practice Management with Irene Iancu RRDH

By Irene Iancu | June 19, 2024

Host: Dr. Tanya Sue MaestasGuest: Irene Iancu RRDHEdited By: Candy Velez CRDH Building and managing a dental practice team encompasses many challenges, learning opportunities, and moments of unexpected growth. Irene Iancu, a seasoned dental professional and restorative hygienist, shares her journey and the lessons learned in creating a dynamic team within her practice. This article…

three-dimensial printing in orthodontic and restorative treatments

Three-Dimensional Printing in Combined Orthodontic & Restorative Treatment

By Dr. Julia Latham | June 17, 2024

By: Dr. Julia Latham, DDSThis article originally appeared on Dr. Latham gave igniteDDS permission to share with our readers. The past 3 years of experience in our practice have made it clear that 3D printing provides numerous benefits for patients and practices alike. The digital impression-taking process is far more comfortable for the patient…

Increase Case Acceptance by Listening More to Your Patients

By Dr. Elizabeth Kidder | June 14, 2024

By: Elizabeth Kidder DDSThis topic originally appeared on Dr. Kidder gave igniteDDS permission to share with our readers. The first few years after dental school are pretty difficult, and most dentists feel lost. It’s the time you have to turn that theoretical part of your studies into practical work, without having a mentor to…

dental fuel

Conquering the Financial Labyrinth of Dental Practice Ownership: Insights from Irene Iancu RRDH

By Irene Iancu | June 12, 2024

Host: Dr. Tanya Sue MaestasGuest: Irene Iancu RRDHEdited By: Candy Velez CRDH Embarking on the journey of dental practice ownership transcends the mastery of dental care. Diving deep into savvy business and financial management, Irene Iancu, a trailblazing dental hygienist-turned-practice owner, unveils her raw and enlightening expedition through the economic intricacies of establishing a dental…

clear retainers

A New Era in Dental Aesthetics: 3D-Printed Bleaching Trays and Micro-Invasive Solutions

By Dr. Anna Babczyńska-Staszewska | June 10, 2024

By: Dr. Anna Babczyńska-StaszewskaThis topic originally appeared on Dr. Anna gave permission to igniteDDS to share with our readers. [click to open PDF] A female patient (age 25) with chalky white opaque areas covering the middle and incisal thirds of upper central incisors was looking for aesthetic treatment. (Fig. 1). Fig. 1: Initial situation…

improving the quality of life for patients with sleep apnea

Improving the Quality of Life for Patients with Sleep Apnea 

By Steve Carstensen, DDS | June 7, 2024

By: Steve Carstensen DDSTopic originally appeared on Dr. Carstensen allowed permission for igniteDDS to share with our readers Sleep apnea is a serious sleep disorder in which breathing stops and restarts many times while sleeping. This will result in not enough oxygen taken by the body, so these patients sleep with their mouths open…