Delayed Gratification and Finances
By: Dr. Savanah Craig Finances have always felt like a hot topic from the time I got…
Ecosite One by DMG Review – with Dr. David Rice
By: Dr. David Rice Ecosite One by DMG, guys, this is a very cool composite I just…
Complete Examinations in Dentistry
By: Dr. Leonard A. Hess, DDSClinical Director, The Dawson AcademyThe Article Originally Appeared on Dr. Hess…
New Year’s Resolutions for Dentists: Get a Head Start Before the Year’s End
By: Todd Doobrow, CFP As the year winds down and we gear up for the holidays, many…
Dental Phobia & Anxiety: Helping Patients Overcome
By: Dr. Savanah Craig A phobia is defined as an intense, irrational, and persistent fear of a…
Meeting Patient Expectations in Dentistry
By: Kelley Brummett DMDThis topic originally appeared on Dr. Brummett granted permission for igniteDDS to share…
2 Ways to Increase Dental Case Acceptance
By: Mark Murphy DDSThis topic originally appeared on Dr. Murphy granted permission for igniteDDS to share…
Hospital Dentistry
By: Dr. Savanah Craig During my residency training, I learned about a new aspect of dentistry that…
Challenges & Benefits of Working in Healthcare
By: Dr. Savanah Craig Working in healthcare is challenging for many reasons. I would bet that most…
Solea Dental Laser Transformation
By: Dr. Anthony Bolamperti, DDSThis topic originally appeared on Dr. Bolamperit granted permission for igniteDDS to…