

Dr. Lucas Shapiro is a graduate of Washington University in St. Louis and Stony Brook University School of Dental Medicine, where he received his Doctor of Dental Surgery. He completed his post-doctoral orthodontic training at Tufts University School of Dental Medicine. He currently practices orthodontics at Lemchen Salzer Ortho in NYC.

He started the Instagram page @futuredentists, works with the educational organization @ignitedds and has an orthodontic TikTok page @drshap.

valentine's day gifts for dentists

Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas for The Dental Professional

By: Lucas Shapiro Tired of giving the same old gift or chocolate and flowers to the people…

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malpractice insurance

How Much Should You Pay For Malpractice Insurance?

By: Dr. Luke Shapiro I just got off the phone with my insurance sales rep and they…

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dental fuel

Dental Fuel Episode 2: Financial Mistake with Dr. Tony Mennito

By Tanya Sue Maestas, DDS | April 28, 2023

In Dental Fuel episode 2, Dr. Mennito talks about how financial mistakes can be big and how he moves the focus to keep the patient at the forefront of his mind! Dr. Tony Mennito. Dr. Anthony Mennito (Tony) is a private practice dentist as well as an adjunct faculty member at the MUSC College of…

choosing a business structure for your new dental practice

Choosing the Best Business Structure for a Dental Practice

By Bruce Bryen | April 25, 2023

By: Bruce Bryen The young dentist has gotten the training and skill sets that he or she needs to acquire a dental practice. How To Choose Which Type of Business Structure is Best for the Practice and the Dentist? After what seemed like years at the associate level, the time has come for the ownership…

why i invested in 3d printing

Why I Invested in 3D Printing

By Dr. Julia Latham | April 24, 2023

By: Dr. Julia Latham When it comes to living in a tech-driven world, I consciously decided to jump in headfirst and add 3D printing to my practice. How did I do it, you might ask? Well, here’s how I decided. Deciding If You Should Invest in 3D Printing for Your Dental Practice Assess Your Practice…

dental fuel

Dental Fuel Episode 1: Clinical Mistake with Dr. Tony Mennito

By Tanya Sue Maestas, DDS | April 21, 2023

On our first episode of Dental Fuel, we have Dr. Tony Mennito. Dr. Anthony Mennito (Tony) is a private practice dentist and an adjunct faculty member at the MUSC College of Dental Medicine in Charleston, South Carolina. His dental practice, Expertise Dental, focuses on using technology to comprehensively care for his patients while helping to…

my tooth doesn't hurt

But My Tooth Doesn’t Hurt!

By Chad Duplantis, D.D.S, F.A.G.D | April 20, 2023

By: Dr. Chad Duplantis, D.D.S., F.A.G.D

dentist using dental cement

Dental Cement: When to Use & What to Use

By David Rice | April 17, 2023

By: Dr. David Rice Dental cement – with all our indirect material options today-understanding the decision tree from cast gold, to PFM, to Glass Ceramics, Zirconia, and everything in between is key. Saying that, yes we use dental cement in other spaces too-temporary restorative, endodontic sealers, and orthodontics bracket attachment to name a few For…

cracked tooth

Cracked Tooth? Causes, Treatment & Repair

By David Rice | April 11, 2023

By: Dr. David Rice When it comes to cracked teeth, is there any truth to the old saying, “If it’s not broke, don’t fix it?” Likely not. Let’s take a closer look. Types of Cracked Teeth First, there are different types of cracked teeth. 1. Craze Lines There are very superficial cracks in teeth your…

leadership in your dental practice

Empowering Dental Teams: How To Inspire & Develop Leadership In Your Practice

By Dawn Patrick | April 10, 2023

By: Dawn Patrick In today’s shrinking workforce, many practice owners either struggle with high team turnover or haven’t recovered from practicing in a post-COVID world where many dental professionals did not return to the field. Practice owners and managers often ask themselves how to build a cohesive, long-term team of leaders.  Team members need to…

two teeth hurt

Two of My Teeth Hurt: Case Study

By Chad Duplantis, D.D.S, F.A.G.D | April 5, 2023

By: Dr. Chad Duplantis, D.D.S., F.A.G.D

dental practice

Acquiring a Dental Practice   

By Bruce Bryen | April 3, 2023

By: Bruce Bryen When does the associate know that it’s the right time to acquire an operating dental practice? How does the associate figure out the process for its purchase, including the financing, legalities, and whether they are financially able to do so? How to Know When You Are Ready to Acquire a Dental Practice…