Dr. Jennifer Bryk Hechko, DDS, MS, FAAPD

Dr. Jennifer Bryk Hechko, DDS, MS, FAAPD

Dr. Jennifer Bryk Hechko is Board Certified in Pediatric Dentistry and a member of the American Dental Association, Ohio Dental Association, a fellow of the American Board of Pediatric Dentistry, American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, and Ohio Academy of Pediatric Dentistry. She has received her Laser Certification from the World Clinical Laser Institute. In addition, Dr. Jen is honored to be recognized as one of the Top Dentists in Northeast Ohio, according to Cleveland Magazine.

Dr. Hechko and her husband have three children. When she’s not busy at Brecksville Kids Dentistry, she enjoys spending time with her family, running outdoors during the warm months, and watching movies.

from erbium to solea

From Erbium to Solea: Falling in Love with Pediatric Dentistry Again

By: Jennifer Bryk Hechko, DDS, MS, FAAPDTopic originally appeared on ConvergentDental.com. Dr. Hechko granted permission for igniteDDS…

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three-dimensial printing in orthodontic and restorative treatments

Three-Dimensional Printing in Combined Orthodontic & Restorative Treatment

By Dr. Julia Latham | June 17, 2024

By: Dr. Julia Latham, DDSThis article originally appeared on DentistyToday.com. Dr. Latham gave igniteDDS permission to share with our readers. The past 3 years of experience in our practice have made it clear that 3D printing provides numerous benefits for patients and practices alike. The digital impression-taking process is far more comfortable for the patient…

Increase Case Acceptance by Listening More to Your Patients

By Dr. Elizabeth Kidder | June 14, 2024

By: Elizabeth Kidder DDSThis topic originally appeared on Pankey.org. Dr. Kidder gave igniteDDS permission to share with our readers. The first few years after dental school are pretty difficult, and most dentists feel lost. It’s the time you have to turn that theoretical part of your studies into practical work, without having a mentor to…

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Conquering the Financial Labyrinth of Dental Practice Ownership: Insights from Irene Iancu RRDH

By Irene Iancu | June 12, 2024

Host: Dr. Tanya Sue MaestasGuest: Irene Iancu RRDHEdited By: Candy Velez CRDH Embarking on the journey of dental practice ownership transcends the mastery of dental care. Diving deep into savvy business and financial management, Irene Iancu, a trailblazing dental hygienist-turned-practice owner, unveils her raw and enlightening expedition through the economic intricacies of establishing a dental…

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A New Era in Dental Aesthetics: 3D-Printed Bleaching Trays and Micro-Invasive Solutions

By Dr. Anna Babczyńska-Staszewska | June 10, 2024

By: Dr. Anna Babczyńska-StaszewskaThis topic originally appeared on dmg-connect.com. Dr. Anna gave permission to igniteDDS to share with our readers. [click to open PDF] A female patient (age 25) with chalky white opaque areas covering the middle and incisal thirds of upper central incisors was looking for aesthetic treatment. (Fig. 1). Fig. 1: Initial situation…

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Improving the Quality of Life for Patients with Sleep Apnea 

By Steve Carstensen, DDS | June 7, 2024

By: Steve Carstensen DDSTopic originally appeared on Pankey.org: Dr. Carstensen allowed permission for igniteDDS to share with our readers Sleep apnea is a serious sleep disorder in which breathing stops and restarts many times while sleeping. This will result in not enough oxygen taken by the body, so these patients sleep with their mouths open…

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The Importance of Year-End Tax Planning for Dentists: Maximizing Financial Health

By Todd Doobrow, CFP | June 5, 2024

By: Todd Doobrow, CFP “Why does my accountant tell me in March what I should have done last November?!?”  It is a common complaint we hear from dentists when it comes to their tax planning, and it needs to change now. Tax planning is a critical aspect of financial management for dentists. As the year…

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3 Things Dentists Should Stop Saying

By Savanah Craig | June 3, 2024

By: Dr. Savanah Craig The language we choose to use is incredibly important. Unfortunately, if your dental school was anything like mine, you spend years learning all the technical parts of treatment planning and diagnosis but were never taught how to properly share that information with your patients. Unless we are fortunate enough to have…

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Dentist Education: How Do I Predictably Prep Second Molars?

By Dr. Leonard Hess, DDS | May 31, 2024

By: Dr. Leonard A. Hess, DDSClinical Director, The Dawson AcademyArticle originally appeared on TheDawsonAcademy.com, Dr. Hess allowed igniteDDS to share with our readers. When delivering a single crown, probably the toughest tooth we can prep for is the second molar. Things to be Aware of When Prepping Second Molars 1. Limited Opening One, usually, there’s…

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Questions to Ask When Hiring a Financial Advisor

By Todd Doobrow, CFP | May 29, 2024

By: Todd Doobrow, CFP As we head into summer, we are finding many dentists “finally” prioritizing the business generated by their own two hands. Whether you’re planning for retirement, baffled by student loans, saving for your children’s education, or investing for long-term growth, finding the right financial planner can make a significant difference in your…

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Help…My Dental Assistant is Messy!

By Ronda Holman | May 27, 2024

By: Ronda Holman In a bustling dental clinic in a small town, a young dental assistant named Lisa had just joined the team. Eager to learn and help, Lisa had one glaring flaw—she was an incredibly messy dental assistant. She didn’t organize the instruments properly, neglected sterilization throughout the day, and left rooms in disarray…