The Intersection of Dental Passion & Entrepreneurship: A Deep Dive into the World of Restorative Dental Hygiene with Irene Iancu RRDH

Host: Dr. Tanya Sue Maestas
Guest: Irene Iancu RRDH
Edited By: Candy Velez CRDH

In an enlightening episode of Dental Fuel, Tanya Sue Maestas engages with Irene Iancu, RRDH, a trailblazer in the field of restorative dental hygiene.

Based in Toronto, Canada, Iancu’s journey from a passionate dental hygienist to the entrepreneurial owner of her own dental practice offers invaluable insights into the confluence of dental care and business acumen.

This conversation peels back the layers of what it truly means to innovate in dental practice while maintaining a steadfast commitment to patient care.

The Leap into Dental Practice Ownership

Irene’s vision of creating a “unicorn practice” led her down the path of entrepreneurship, a journey filled with challenges and triumphs. 

“Owning a practice is more than being an employer; it’s about creating a space where mutual respect and collaboration drive patient care to new heights,”

This approach to dental practice ownership reflects a growing trend in the dental industry, where passion for dentistry is equally matched by savvy business strategies.

Embracing the Full Scope of Restorative Dental Hygiene

Irene states, “I can do everything except prep and anesthetize,” highlighting the comprehensive capabilities of restorative dental hygienists. This statement underscores her expertise and illuminates these professionals’ broader responsibilities.

The ability to navigate a patient’s care from diagnosis to final restoration exemplifies the evolving nature of dental hygiene, demanding a robust set of skills and knowledge.

Learning from Clinical Mistakes: A Roadmap for Professional Growth

Recalling a particular incident with white spot lesions, Irene offers a candid look into the realities of clinical practice.

“It’s not just about the mistake, but what you learn from it that shapes you as a practitioner.”

This mindset is crucial for continuous improvement and underscores the importance of setting realistic expectations for both the patient and the practitioner. Not all cases turn out the same.

Even if you have done the procedure a thousand times, things can go wrong, so checking your ego is essential.

Irene’s Journey from Instagram Newbie to Dental Influencer

In an era where digital presence is as pivotal as clinical expertise, Irene Iancu’s journey into social media is a testament to her multifaceted career and passion for dental hygiene.

Growing her Social Following

Starting in 2017 with not a single follower to her name, Irene embarked on a journey to bring her unique voice to the digital realm. Fast forward to the present, and her Instagram account has burgeoned to an impressive 30,000 followers, reflecting her growing influence and the resonant content she creates.

Irene’s Instagram feed is a vibrant tapestry that weaves together the scientific aspects of dental hygiene with her personal and professional milestones. Her content showcases what she affectionately terms her “nerdy side,” offering her followers a glimpse into the meticulous science and care behind her dental practice.

But it’s not just the science that captivates her audience; Irene also shares snippets of her global travels. As a sought-after speaker at dental meetings worldwide, her followers are treated to a behind-the-scenes look at the places she visits, the people she meets, and the knowledge she shares and gains.


Beyond Instagram, Irene ventured into the podcasting world in 2018 with “Tooth or Dare.” This platform has allowed her to delve deeper into her personal journey, sharing experiences, challenges, and triumphs in a more intimate setting.

“Tooth or Dare” isn’t just about Irene’s story, though; it’s a conduit for conversations with some of the top professionals in the dental industry. Through this podcast, Irene explores a myriad of topics, offering listeners insights into the latest trends, innovations, and discussions shaping the world of dentistry.

Irene’s social media journey underscores the power of digital platforms in amplifying one’s voice and influence in their field. Her successful navigation of these spaces is an inspiring blueprint for dental professionals looking to make their mark both online and in the physical world. It exemplifies how passion for one’s craft, coupled with a willingness to share and engage with a global audience, can create a profound and lasting impact.

Synthesizing Inspiration, Caution, and Vision in Dentistry

Irene Iancu’s story is a beacon for dental professionals everywhere, encouraging a balance between the art of dentistry and the science of business. Her commitment to excellence, willingness to embrace failure, and dedication to patient care serve as a guiding light for the industry.

Her active role in social media and content creation further amplifies her impact, setting a standard for how dental professionals can engage with broader communities and mentor the next generation.

Irene’s journey is a testament to the power of combining dental passion with entrepreneurial spirit, paving the way for future innovators.

In Conclusion

This episode of Dental Fuel with Irene Iancu, RRDH, offers a profound look into the complexities and rewards of modern dental practice. It inspires all dental professionals to pursue their passions, embrace their mistakes as opportunities for growth, and continually strive for excellence in patient care.

Listeners are encouraged to reflect on Irene’s journey and consider how to apply these lessons in their own practices. Whether you’re a seasoned practitioner or just starting out, there’s always room to grow, innovate, and inspire in the ever-evolving world of dentistry.

Until next time, keep learning, keep exploring, and fuel your dental dreams with knowledge!

Irene Iancu

Irene Iancu

Irene Iancu is a passionate and skilled restorative dental hygienist based in Toronto, Canada. With 16 years of experience in the dental field, Irene has developed a diverse set of skills, working in various specialized practices including periodontics, pediatric dentistry, orthodontics, and cosmetic dentistry. As the owner of her own practice, she goes beyond typical dental hygiene duties by also performing restorative work such as direct and indirect restorations. In addition to her clinical work, Irene is active in the dental community as an educator, social media influencer with 30,000 followers, and host of a popular dental podcast. Her journey and expertise have not only shaped her career but have also provided her with a platform to share her knowledge and experiences with a wider audience.