Periodontist Plan for Patient with Tooth Resorption
Thank you for referring [patient] to our office. We had the pleasure of meeting him on 2/1/2022 for a limited examination. [Patient] reports “I have a tooth that has resorption and need to see what would be my best option.”
The following describes my findings and treatment recommendations:
Clinical Findings:
- Internal Resorption #24
- Periodontist
- Staging: Stage III (bone loss > 33% PD’s > 5mm. Class II/III furcations. <5 teeth lost due to periodontal disease)
- Grading: Grade C: Rapid rate of progression
- Extent and Distribution: Localized Sites (< 30% of teeth involved)
Treatment Plan:
- Surgical extraction #24
My Thoughts
I informed [patient] that Dr. Wash will be treating #25 by doing a root canal to stop the slight internal resorption. I recommend extraction of #24. The site is not suitable for an implant due to the extensive lingual bone loss and the tight interproximal space. Dr. Duplantis is recommending a Maryland bridge.