Tooth Resorption: Case Study

the plan

The Plan

Refer to Periodontist for evaluation of #24 site for extraction and viability of implant placement #24 site.

Refer to Endodontist for evaluation of resorptive defect tooth #25. #24 has been deemed hopeless.

Based on the findings of the periodontic evaluations, prepare a treatment plan best suited for this patient.

If an implant can be placed in the #24 site, we will restore it with an abutment and implant crown.

If an implant can not be placed, we will restore it with a Maryland Bridge teeth 23-25.

Chad Duplantis, D.D.S, F.A.G.D

Chad Duplantis, D.D.S, F.A.G.D

Dr. Chad Duplantis has been lecturing nationally on various aspects of Digital and CAD/CAM Dentistry, Restorative Implant Dentistry, and other topics. He has been published in numerous dental journals. He is also the co-founder of a social media group aimed at creating well-informed dentists and improving dental education.