Dr. Jennifer Bell, DDS, FAGD, FICD

Dr. Jennifer Bell, DDS, FAGD, FICD

Dr. Jennifer Bell is a native of Lexington, North Carolina. She earned her undergraduate and dental graduate degrees from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Upon graduation, she completed the Advanced Education in General Dentistry program at the Veterans Administration Medical Center in Fayetteville, NC.

In 2010, Dr. Bell along with her business partner started a general dentistry practice in Holly Springs, NC. They opened their second practice in Angier, NC in 2017.

Their practices treat all ages and complexity of cases. Her main interests include rehabilitation cases, complex prosthodontic cases, laser dentistry, and sleep disorders.

Dr. Bell has earned a fellowship from the Academy of General Dentistry (AGD) where she has served the North Carolina state chapter as president, committee chair, national delegate, and most recently as executive director.

In addition to her work with the AGD, Dr. Bell is an active member in the American Dental Association, the North Carolina Dental Society, American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine and a fellow in the International College of Dentists.

In March 2018, she completed and graduated from the Kois Continuum in Seattle, WA. Outside of dentistry, Dr. Bell is active with Kiwanis International and other local philanthropic organizations in her community.

Dr. Jennifer Bell is an innovative and fresh voice in the world of dentistry. She brings a unique perspective on digital innovation, practice management, team building, and leadership development through an engaging and interactive style.

Dr. Bell is a frequent contributor to leading dental publications, speaks on a variety of relevant and timely topics, and co-hosts a popular, weekly dental industry podcast.

Dr. Bell and her husband Brian reside in Holly Springs, NC with their three children.

dental fuel

The Power of Partnership: Building a Successful Dental Practice (Insights from Dr. Jennifer Bell)

Host: Dr. Tanya Sue MaestasGuest: Dr. Jennifer BellEdited By: Candy Velez CRDH Dr. Jennifer Bell shares her…

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dental fuel

Building a Strong Dental Team: Trusting Your Gut and Learning from Mistakes with Dr. Jennifer Bell

Host: Dr. Tanya Sue MaestasGuest: Dr. Jennifer BellEdited By: Candy Velez CRDH We are back with Dr….

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dental fuel

Scariest Clinical Mistake with Dr. Jennifer Bell

Host: Dr. Tanya Sue MaestasGuest: Dr. Jennifer BellEdited By: Candy Velez CRDH We had the pleasure of…

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dental fuel

Financial Mistake of Chasing Tax Breaks with Dr. Bell

Host: Dr. Tanya Sue MaestasGuest: Dr. Jennifer BellEdited By: Candy Velez CRDH Today, we speak with Dr….

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Ameloblastoma: Case Study

By: Dr. Jennifer Bell, DDS, FAGD, FICD Have you ever had a patient with ameloblastoma? Here is a…

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Tonsilloliths, or tonsil stones

Tonsilloliths: Case Study

By: Dr. Jennifer Bell, DDS, FAGD, FICD Have you ever had a patient with tonsilloliths? Here is a…

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spontaneous bone spurs

Spontaneous Bone Spurs: Case Study

By: Dr. Jennifer Bell, DDS, FAGD, FICD Have you ever had a patient with spontaneous bone spurs? Here…

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stylohyoid calcification

Stylohyoid Calcification: Case Study

By: Dr. Jennifer Bell, DDS, FAGD, FICD Have you ever had a patient with stylohyoid calcification? Here is…

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periodontal infection

Periodontal Infection: Case Study

By: Dr. Jennifer Bell, DDS, FAGD, FICD Have you ever had a patient with a periodontal infection?…

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scalloped tongue case study

Scalloped Tongue, What Does it Mean?

By Jeffrey W. Horowitz, DMD, FAGD, D-ABDSM, D-ASBA | August 8, 2022

By: Jeffrey W. Horowitz, DMD, FAGD, D-ABDSM, D-ASBA A scalloped tongue is characterized by wavy or rippled edges along its sides. Scalloped tongues are usually not a cause of concern, but if left untreated, they can cause additional complications and symptoms that can harm your dental health. Identifying bad oral habits and diagnosing certain medical…

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Professional Identity Formation

By Savanah Craig | August 4, 2022

By: Savannah Craig Professional Identity Formation is a term I was unfamiliar with until it was brought up last week during my PGY-1 Orientation for my General Practice Residency program. Many of us have a variety of identities (daughter, sister, aunt, son, brother, uncle, etc.), and becoming a dentist requires you to add a new…

why dentists aren't screening for sleep apnea

Why Aren’t Dentists Screening & Treating Sleep Apnea Patients?

By Teresa Power DeNike | August 1, 2022

By: Teresa Power DeNike, BS Sleep is a severely overlooked area in dentistry. In 2017, the ADA recommended all dentists screen for sleep apnea (and treat or refer out). Yet only 70% of dentists screen for sleep apnea, and most lack confidence in performing accurate routine screenings. In 2015, the AASM and AADSM recommended oral…

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How Dental Assistants Can Deal with Workplace Bullying

By Dianne Auger | July 26, 2022

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oral appliance therapy

How and Why to get Oral Appliance Therapy

By Teresa Power DeNike | July 25, 2022

By: Teresa DeNike If you’ve been diagnosed with sleep apnea, there’s a 90% chance your doctor recommended CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure). There’s a reason for that — CPAP is incredibly effective — but it might not be right for you, and the hose can be cumbersome to sleep in. If you can’t use CPAP,…

Five People You Want on Your Side as a New Dentist

Five People You Want on Your Side as a New Dentist

By Tara Aboumahboub | July 19, 2022

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Sign-On or Stay-On Bonus?

By David Rice | July 19, 2022

By: Dr. David Rice The great resignation, team-turnover, call it what you will, is dentistry’s single greatest problem today and will continue to be for the next 1 to 1.5 years. With that, many practices have turned to sign-on bonuses in an attempt to attract top talent.  The problem is, that it’s not helping retain…

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Top 5 Mistakes New Dentists Make

By David Rice | July 14, 2022

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Should You Consider a Dental Residency?

By Sable Muntean | July 13, 2022

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The Importance of Dental Photography

By Zach Sisler | July 8, 2022

By: Zach Sisler Photography is a skill that often gets overlooked by recent dental school graduates, but it can be an essential tool at every step of running your practice. If you’re an esthetic dentist or trying to advertise on social media, taking a good picture is a skill you need for obvious reasons. But…