Two of My Teeth Hurt: Case Study

The Outcome Continued

  • This patient was seen, in our office, right before all offices were closed before the holidays.
  • The patient was sent to UT Southwestern ER, as they have an oral surgery residency.  We knew that she would at least be seen.
  • The patient had no disruption in function and the fractures seemed to be healing.  No surgery was recommended at this time.  
  • The surgery team will monitor and make surgical decisions as she progresses.
Chad Duplantis, D.D.S, F.A.G.D

Chad Duplantis, D.D.S, F.A.G.D

Dr. Chad Duplantis has been lecturing nationally on various aspects of Digital and CAD/CAM Dentistry, Restorative Implant Dentistry, and other topics. He has been published in numerous dental journals. He is also the co-founder of a social media group aimed at creating well-informed dentists and improving dental education.