Tanya Sue Maestas, DDS

Tanya Sue Maestas, DDS

Dr. Tanya Sue Maestas graduated from The University of Texas School of Dentistry at Houston in 2018.

During her dental school career, she served as the national American Student Dental Association President and became involved in organized dentistry.

After graduating, she completed an Advanced Education in General Dentistry Residency in 2019. Upon completion of her residency, she returned to the El Paso Borderland community where she serves as a Dental Director at La Clinica de Familia in Chaparral, New Mexico.

She also serves as a faculty member at the Woody L Hunt School of Dental Medicine in El Paso, Texas.

She remains involved in organized dentistry and holds various leadership roles in organizations including the American Dental Association, Texas Dental Association, Academy of General Dentistry, Texas Academy of General Dentistry, Hispanic Dental Association, and others.

She currently serves on the ADA Council on Communications and previously completed the ADA Institute for Diversity in Leadership Program.

She was recognized as an ADA 10 under 10 winner, Incisal Edge 40 under 40, and previously nominated as one of Texas New Dentists of the Year.

She currently hosts New Dentists on the Block where she helps showcase the New Dentist story and build connections with new dentists around her and Dental Fuel a podcast dedicated to sharing and learning from industry leaders’ mistakes.

She has a commitment to providing dental care to the Borderland community and hopes to encourage the next generation of dentists to give back to the community.

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Navigating Dental Excellence with Jonathan Miller

Interviewer: Tanya Sue Maestas, DDSInterviewee: Jonathan MillerEdited By: Candy Velez – CRDH, BSDH Welcome back to Dental…

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Mastering Dental Practice Financing with Jonathan Miller

Mastering Dental Practice Financing with Jonathan Miller

Interviewer: Tanya Sue Maestas, DDSInterviewee: Jonathan MillerEdited By: Candy Velez – CRDH, BSDH Welcome back to Dental…

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mistakes clinicians make

Dental Practice Ownership: Critical Mistakes New Dentists Make with Jonathan Miller

Interviewer: Tanya Sue Maestas, DDSInterviewee: Jonathan MillerEdited By: Candy Velez – CRDH, BSDH In this article, Jonathan Miller…

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dental startups vs. practice acquisition

Dental Startups vs. Practice Acquisition: Making the Right Decision

Interviewer: Tanya Sue Maestas, DDSInterviewee: Jonathan MillerEdited By: Candy Velez – CRDH, BSDH As a dental professional,…

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dental fuel

Dental Fuel Episode 12: Expert Advice with Dr. Shannon Johnson

In Dental Fuel Episode 12, Dr. Shannon Johnson wraps up our last episode with her by providing…

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Dental Fuel Episode 11: Team Mistake with Dr. Shannon Johnson

Working in teams can be tough! Shannon Johnson knows the ins and outs of working in a…

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dental fuel

Dental Fuel Episode 10: Financial Mistake with Dr. Shannon Johnson

Dr. Shannon Johnson has wisdom in dentistry and experience in the field. She knows firsthand about financial…

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Dental Fuel Episode 9: Clinical Mistake with Dr. Shannon Johnson

Shannon Johnson is in the HOUSE, bringing the DENTAL heat!! A true ROCKSTAR in the dental world…

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dental fuel

Dental Fuel Episode 8: Expert Advice with Dr. Emma Guzman-Vizcarrondo

Dr. Guzman closes out our series with us by offering some advice to our listeners! Dr. Emma…

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dental fuel

Dental Fuel Episode 7: Team Mistake with Dr. Emma Guzman-Vizcarrondo

Growing your team can be challenging as a new dentist. On Dental Fuel Episode 7, Dr. Emma…

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4 Promises of Leadership Development That Will Transform Your Dental Career

By Edwin McDonald | April 23, 2022

By: Dr. Edwin “Mac” McDonald The development of leadership competencies is about developing yourself. As you look outward with the desire to influence and inspire, consider what you would gain from looking inward instead. Becoming a great leader is about your own capacity for change, as hard as change can be. In the dental practice,…

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How can dental students save for their own practice?

By Ava Guzman | April 19, 2022

By: Ava Guzman After graduation, dentistry students might immediately want to start working in order to get a return on their educational investment and earn a living. However, between student loans and the money needed to open up a clinic, the costs are steep. Saving Money for Your Dental Practice The American Dental Association (ADA)…

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Fall Forward

By Mohammed Hammoud | April 13, 2022

By: Mohammed Hammoud   There is only one way to know if your purpose aligns with your career, and that is to pursue it. I often pondered beforehand if I was making the right decision in pursuing dentistry. I shadowed hundreds of hours and volunteered my time to be positive I was making the right…

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How to calm patients with dental anxiety

By Jamie Finch | April 11, 2022

By: Jamie Finch If a patient is feeling too anxious before a procedure, it can make the dentist’s job much harder. While it’s important that you calm patients with dental anxiety as much as possible, doing so can be easier said than done. However, there are effective methods of soothing patients that you can easily…

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Acquiring a Dental Practice: Tax Guide

By Bruce Bryen | April 7, 2022

By: Bruce Bryen Now that the dental school graduate has worked as an associate and feels that an understanding of the workings of a practice is known, he or she may be ready to acquire a dental practice. The knowledge of the clinical skills will be known only to the degree they were acquired while working…

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Slowing employee turnover in the dental industry

By Katie Klaes | April 7, 2022

By: Katie Klaes The hospitality industry was known for high employee turnover even before the pandemic. Dentistry and several other industries are now facing the same challenges, so I wanted to investigate what they are doing to attract and retain employees. Surprisingly enough, their recommendations can also be directly applied to your dental office. 5…

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Remember, you’re more than just a dental student!

By Savanah Craig | March 30, 2022

By: Savanah Craig When you spend 9+ hours a day at your dental school and are surrounded by people who do the same, it’s easy to let being a dental student consume your whole life. It can feel like your worth comes from your grades when all of your free time is spent studying or…

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Preparing for Dental School Graduation

By Savanah Craig | March 30, 2022

By: Savanah Craig If you’re anything like me, getting into dental school was the goal. I never really thought about what would happen after dental school graduation. From a young age, I knew that I wanted to pursue a career in Dentistry, so my path was dictated by what Ithought would allow me to get…

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Pediatric Dentistry Start-Up: Cuivre Creek

By Casey Goetz | March 23, 2022

By: Casey Goetz I knew for years that my ultimate professional goal was to start my own pediatric dental office. I wanted to have that autonomy and be in control of my career so that I could deliver my dentistry in a way that I thought was superior. I briefly associated with another office for…

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What to Do and What to Avoid with a Dental Startup

By Anna Borden | March 17, 2022

By: Anna Borden, DDS My startup journey was one that was somewhat expected, somewhat forced. I had been looking for a practice to buy for about two years, but a lot of practices were overpriced with failing equipment or needed full renovations – or of course, the doctors that wanted to stay on for a…