Dr. Hannah Crowell

Dr. Hannah Crowell

Dr. Hannah Crowell is a graduate of The Ohio State Dental School and is practicing as a general dentist in Houston, Texas.

She happily lives there with her husband (also a general dentist), their three young children, and their pup.

She is kept busy with her work and family, but enjoys hanging out with family and friends, road trips (with many necessary pit stops due to feisty toddlers), and exploring new cities and the great outdoors whenever she gets the opportunity!

dentist assessing his finances, and skills to decide if he is ready to buy his own dental practice

Ready or Not: How to Know When It’s Time to Buy a Dental Practice 

By: Dr. Hannah Crowell Buying a dental practice is a significant milestone in your career as a…

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Navigating Dental Practice Ownership: Rural vs. Urban Opportunities

By: Dr. Hannah Crowell Are you a dental professional considering taking the leap into practice ownership? One…

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buying a dental practice vs investing in a start up

Buying a Dental Practice vs. Investing in a Start-Up

Weighing the Costs of Something Borrowed vs. Something New By: Dr. Hannah Crowell Deciding to embark on…

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tips to boost your credit and your savings before dental practice ownership

Boost Your Credit & Build a Savings Cushion Before Practice Ownership

Tips to Build Credit & Savings for a Thriving Future of Dental Practice Ownership By: Dr. Hannah…

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what ifs when thinking about your dental career

Don’t Let The “What Ifs” Deter You From Success In Your Dental Career

By: Hannah Crowell Why is it so hard to commit to or even consider buying a dental…

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reasons for high employee turnover

High Employee Turnover? What’s Going Wrong? 

By: Hannah Crowell A dental office may experience high employee turnover for various reasons, which can negatively…

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working with a DSO

Why This Young Dentist Went With a DSO

By: Hannah Crowell Dental students are not encouraged to pursue a career with a DSO (dental support…

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scalloped tongue case study

Scalloped Tongue, What Does it Mean?

By Jeffrey W. Horowitz, DMD, FAGD, D-ABDSM, D-ASBA | August 8, 2022

By: Jeffrey W. Horowitz, DMD, FAGD, D-ABDSM, D-ASBA A scalloped tongue is characterized by wavy or rippled edges along its sides. Scalloped tongues are usually not a cause of concern, but if left untreated, they can cause additional complications and symptoms that can harm your dental health. Identifying bad oral habits and diagnosing certain medical…

professional identity formation

Professional Identity Formation

By Savanah Craig | August 4, 2022

By: Savannah Craig Professional Identity Formation is a term I was unfamiliar with until it was brought up last week during my PGY-1 Orientation for my General Practice Residency program. Many of us have a variety of identities (daughter, sister, aunt, son, brother, uncle, etc.), and becoming a dentist requires you to add a new…

why dentists aren't screening for sleep apnea

Why Aren’t Dentists Screening & Treating Sleep Apnea Patients?

By Teresa Power DeNike | August 1, 2022

By: Teresa Power DeNike, BS Sleep is a severely overlooked area in dentistry. In 2017, the ADA recommended all dentists screen for sleep apnea (and treat or refer out). Yet only 70% of dentists screen for sleep apnea, and most lack confidence in performing accurate routine screenings. In 2015, the AASM and AADSM recommended oral…

workplace bullying

How Dental Assistants Can Deal with Workplace Bullying

By Dianne Auger | July 26, 2022

By: Dianne Auger, RDH, BS Have you ever loved your position on the dental team, and then it starts to all go downhill? Have you ever thought that being in a profession such as this one that there are no conflicts or acts of workplace bullying? Well, there is! I was just as surprised as you are,…

oral appliance therapy

How and Why to get Oral Appliance Therapy

By Teresa Power DeNike | July 25, 2022

By: Teresa DeNike If you’ve been diagnosed with sleep apnea, there’s a 90% chance your doctor recommended CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure). There’s a reason for that — CPAP is incredibly effective — but it might not be right for you, and the hose can be cumbersome to sleep in. If you can’t use CPAP,…

Five People You Want on Your Side as a New Dentist

Five People You Want on Your Side as a New Dentist

By Tara Aboumahboub | July 19, 2022

By: Tara Abouhmahboub When you become a dentist, navigating the job market can be a challenge, and you certainlydon’t want to do it on your own. Top 5 People To Know When Starting Your Dental Career Here are the five people you want on your side as a new dentist: 1. Accountant This one is…

stay-on bonus

Sign-On or Stay-On Bonus?

By David Rice | July 19, 2022

By: Dr. David Rice The great resignation, team-turnover, call it what you will, is dentistry’s single greatest problem today and will continue to be for the next 1 to 1.5 years. With that, many practices have turned to sign-on bonuses in an attempt to attract top talent.  The problem is, that it’s not helping retain…

new dentist mistakes

Top 5 Mistakes New Dentists Make

By David Rice | July 14, 2022

By: Dr. David Rice Read them. Digest them. Ask igniteDDS how to avoid them! 5 Mistakes I Made As A New Dentist Here are five common mistakes new dentists make (including me): Paying Off Student Debt Too Fast Not Building Board of Directors Soon Enough Buying a House before a Practice Not Asking Enough Questions…

dental residency

Should You Consider a Dental Residency?

By Sable Muntean | July 13, 2022

By: Sable Muntean It can be tempting to jump right into the workforce after graduating from dental school, but finding a residency can be a hugely rewarding experience for new dentists — and those positions are often paid, as well. How Long Is Dental Residency? The residency process only takes a year, or potentially two,…

dental photography

The Importance of Dental Photography

By Zach Sisler | July 8, 2022

By: Zach Sisler Photography is a skill that often gets overlooked by recent dental school graduates, but it can be an essential tool at every step of running your practice. If you’re an esthetic dentist or trying to advertise on social media, taking a good picture is a skill you need for obvious reasons. But…