Dealing with a Dental Lesion, Now What!?

The Outcome

A biopsy was performed after endo and oral surgery was consulted.

The collective decision was made to extract tooth #9 and re-eval the vitality of the remaining dentition at 6-month intervals.

Tooth #9 was replaced with an interim removable prosthesis.

Tooth #10 has a guarded prognosis, as the lesion was associated with the apex.

SCRP was performed on all arches to begin treatment of the patient’s periodontal condition.

Upon healing, an implant will be placed and tooth #9 will be restored.

The other surrounding teeth will be treated on an as-needed basis.

Up Next: Additive, Reparative, or Both?

Photo by Cedric Fauntleroy

Chad Duplantis, D.D.S, F.A.G.D

Chad Duplantis, D.D.S, F.A.G.D

Dr. Chad Duplantis has been lecturing nationally on various aspects of Digital and CAD/CAM Dentistry, Restorative Implant Dentistry, and other topics. He has been published in numerous dental journals. He is also the co-founder of a social media group aimed at creating well-informed dentists and improving dental education.