What Tax Challenges Await Dental Practices in 2021?

An election is over and there’s a new president-elect waiting to take over the Oval Office. What will the change in leadership mean for your taxes?

Kate Willeford, CPA, is ready to answer this question and many more about your personal and professional taxes during the ReIgnite learning sessions designed for the entire dental team leading up to Yankee Dental Congress.

Listen to what Kate has to say about her Yankee Dental ReIgnite course by watching the video below.

Note: Photo of “100 Dollar Bills” by Philip Taylor PT is licensed with CC BY-SA 2.0. To view a copy of this license, visit https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/

Dawn Patrick

Dawn Patrick

Dawn has 30+ years of dental experience spanning all facets of dentistry including pediatric, cosmetic, complete health, and sleep. During her career, Dawn enjoyed 25 years in practice management including marketing, team training, and consulting. She joined IgniteDDS in June 2022 as Director of Operations. Dawn enjoys working directly with teams and customers to create a win-win. She is passionate about creating systems and processes that allow teams to excel. In her spare time, Dawn enjoys time with family, her two Goldendoodles, and traveling with her husband, Jon.