Dental Fuel Episode 4: Expert Advice with Dr. Tony Mennito

In Dental Fuel episode 4, Dr. Mennito continues to master his craft in the realm of dentistry, where he offers some advice to our listeners.

Dr. Anthony Mennito (Tony) is a private practice dentist as well as an adjunct faculty member at the MUSC College of Dental Medicine in Charleston, South Carolina.

His dental practice, Expertise Dental, focuses on using technology to comprehensively care for his patients while helping to enhance the aesthetics of their smiles.

He is an experienced user of digital systems made by Planmeca, Dentsply Sirona, 3Shape, and iTero and is heavily reliant on digital design and 3D printing for treatment planning complex cases.

He lectures nationally and internationally and currently has 21 published papers on the topics of digital dentistry and dental materials.

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Dental Fuel Episode 4: Expert Advice Transcript

In Dental Fuel episode 4, Dr. Mennito continues to master his craft in the realm of dentistry, where he offers some advice to our listeners.

Dr. Tanya Sue Maestas

If you could provide advice to a dentist, what’s the best piece of advice that you’d like to offer?

 Dr. Tony Mennito

So many, so many. Im 20 years into my career, and I think:

  1. To slow down and do it right would be my number one.
  2. And then 1A would be to get out there and continue to learn.

It’s so much to learn in dentistry and you know I will say that John Koi said something at our very first course that really ranked through me and he said you know you guys spend a lot of money to be here the courses are expensive but he said how much would you spend to be a more confident dentist to walk in your practice every day and feel really confident that you have the tools and the skill set to treat everybody who walked through that door.

And that is, I mean, you can’t put a price tag on that. So that would be it, slow down, do dentistry the way it’s meant to be done.

I think isolation is the one thing that I think a lot of times we maybe try to cut corners on for the sake of time or whatever but do it right.

And then get out there and continue to learn throughout your career because not only does it give you personal satisfaction but gives you a lot of confidence and walking into the office every morning feels a lot better when you’re confident.

Dr. Tanya Sue Maestas

In your journey so far have you made any regrets?

Dr. Tony Mennito

So many yeah I mean and once again you and I were talking before we started recording about mistakes and regrets and I’ve made a ton of mistakes and I have a lot of regrets, you know, but you learn from those and you move on.

The important thing is that you learn from them, but I tuck those away in the back of my brain way back here and shut the door and try to forget about them.

Because there’s no sense in reliving those and you know bringing them up over and over and over.

So I’m sitting here trying to think of a true regret that I have and I can’t come up with one simply because you know like I said I try to do my best and my focus every day is to do my very best. It’s hard to have regrets if you truly are doing everything you know to the best of your ability.

And maybe if I do have a regret it’s that I didn’t get more continuing education early in my career. I think I probably could have accelerated my learning curve a bit.

But I have ended up where I am and my journey has been extremely rewarding and so I can’t even say that I have a regret as far as that goes because going through you know the CE that I’m taking now I have experience behind me that I can really understand what I’m being taught that much better than had I done it 10 or 15 years you know prior so no regrets.

Dr. Tanya Sue Maestas

There’s value in growth in a journey. I absolutely love all the advice that you’ve shared with us tonight and I really appreciate you taking the time to speak with us and all the listeners that will be listening to this.


Tanya Sue Maestas, DDS

Tanya Sue Maestas, DDS

Dr. Tanya Sue Maestas graduated from The University of Texas School of Dentistry at Houston in 2018. During her dental school career, she served as the national American Student Dental Association President and became involved in organized dentistry. After graduating, she completed an Advanced Education in General Dentistry Residency in 2019. Upon completion of her residency, she returned to the El Paso Borderland community where she serves as a Dental Director at La Clinica de Familia in Chaparral, New Mexico. She also serves as a faculty member at the Woody L Hunt School of Dental Medicine in El Paso, Texas. She remains involved in organized dentistry and holds various leadership roles in organizations including the American Dental Association, Texas Dental Association, Academy of General Dentistry, Texas Academy of General Dentistry, Hispanic Dental Association, and others. She currently serves on the ADA Council on Communications and previously completed the ADA Institute for Diversity in Leadership Program. She was recognized as an ADA 10 under 10 winner, Incisal Edge 40 under 40, and previously nominated as one of Texas New Dentists of the Year. She currently hosts New Dentists on the Block where she helps showcase the New Dentist story and build connections with new dentists around her and Dental Fuel a podcast dedicated to sharing and learning from industry leaders’ mistakes. She has a commitment to providing dental care to the Borderland community and hopes to encourage the next generation of dentists to give back to the community.