Dr. Lee Ann Brady

Dr. Lee Ann Brady

Dr. Lee Ann Brady lives in Phoenix, Arizona with her husband Kelly and three children Sarah, Jenna and Kyle. She owns Desert Sun Smiles Dental Care, a private restorative practice in Glendale, Arizona. Outside of her private practice, Dr. Brady is the Director of Education for The Pankey Institute, recognized for hands-on education programs focused on occlusion and restorative dentistry. She is the founder and lead curator of Restorative Nation, a supportive learning community for dentists.

medications that interfere with accurate endodontic diagnosis

Medications that Interfere with Accurate Endodontic Diagnosis

By: Lee Ann Brady DMDTopic Originally Appeared on PankeyGram.Org. Dr. Brady granted permission for igniteDDS to share…

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Simple Tip For Cementation of Crowns on Implant Abutments

Simple Tip For Cementation of Crowns on Implant Abutments

By: Lee Ann Brady, DMDThis Topic Originally Appeared on PankeyGram.Org. Dr. Brady granted permission for igniteDDS to…

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prescription medications for geriatric patients

Careful Prescription of Medications for Geriatric Patients

By: Lee Ann Brady, DMD This topic originally appeared on PankeyGram.Org. Dr. Brady granted permission for igniteDDS to…

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benefits of using desensitizers before tooth prep

4 Main Reasons I Always Use Desensitizers Before Tooth Prep

By: Lee Ann Brady DMDTopic Originally Appeared on PankeyGram.Org. Dr. Brady granted permission for igniteDDS to share…

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six unit anterior bridge

A Six-Unit Anterior Bridge: Provisionals and Placement

By: Lee Ann Brady DMDTopic originally appeared on Pankey.org: Dr. Brady allowed permission for igniteDDS to share…

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A Challenging Hybrid Overdenture Case

A Challenging Hybrid Overdenture Case

By: Dr. Lee Ann Brady, DMDThis topic originally appeared on Pankey.org. Dr. Brady granted permission for igniteDDS…

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dentist doing shade matching on a patient

Prioritizing Value for Ideal Shade Matching with Composites 

By: Lee Ann Brady DMDThis topic originally appeared on Pankey.org: Dr. Brady allowed permission for igniteDDS to…

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hpv and oral cancer patient

HPV and Oral Cancer: Early Detection and Prevention

By: Lee Ann Brady DMDThis topic originally appeared on Pankey.org. Dr. Brady granted permission for igniteDDS to…

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picture of teeth with arrows pointing to the Interdental Papilla

Interdental Papilla: Esthetic Considerations 

By: Lee Ann Brady DMDTopic originally appeared on Pankey.org: Dr. Brady allowed permission for igniteDDS to share…

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lady holding retainers with questions about post orthodontic care

Post-Orthodontic Questions for Retainers 

By: Lee Ann Brady DMDTopic originally appeared on Pankey.org: Dr. Brady allowed permission for igniteDDS to share…

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How To Keep That “I Voted” Buzz Going in The Dental Practice

By Dawn Patrick | November 2, 2020

Remember how proud you were that you made your voice heard in the recent election? How about making your voice heard in the dental practice?

Question mark for every dentist

Your Patients Have Questions – Each of You Should Have the Same Answer

By Dawn Patrick | October 27, 2020

Your patients walk into your practice all of the time with questions. Ensuring everyone in the practice is on the same page when it comes to the answer is critical. Here’s why.

Big smile

Why This Study Should Be a Wake-up Call to Dentistry

By David Rice | October 27, 2020

The lady in this picture is different than you, right? She’s different than every other person in the world as well. So why are we treating our patients like they’re all the same person? Dr. David Rice dives into some thoughts.

Field Mountain

New Zealand residents pulling their own teeth after dental waiting list grows

By Dawn Patrick | October 27, 2020

Residents of one part of New Zealand have resorted to pulling their own teeth rather than waiting for weeks to see a dentist.


What’s Keeping You From Being Good Rather Than Great?

By Dawn Patrick | September 21, 2020

One degree can make the difference betweenwater boiling and just being really hot. I know a lot of really good dental assistants out there. I mean, they are excellent at what they do clinically and their people skills are superb. Yet, they know and I know that they have weaknesses in their careers. Heck, we…

grow your dental practice

4 Principles to Grow Your Dental Practice

By David Rice | September 15, 2020

By: Dr. David Rice “Mask Mouth”. What does that mean for your dental practice? Let’s be honest. Our patients hear things in the news and then wonder about them before they come into our practices. A perfect example of this is “mask mouth.” Go ahead. You can click here to read about it. I’ll be waiting for…


Wildfires and another link between the mouth and lungs

By David Rice | September 15, 2020

The devastating wildfires in the United States are all over the news and likely on the minds of your patients One of the best ways to introduce a conversation is to find a point of shared knowledge. That can include events in the news, such as the wildfires that have devastated so many in the…


Here’s the Key to Explaining the Oral-Systemic Link

By Dawn Patrick | September 15, 2020

Do you know the difference betweenmajor surgery and minor surgery? That’s the start of a joke that a friend of mine once shared with me. Do you know the answer? Well, my friend said, it’s major surgery if it is happening to you. It’s minor surgery if it’s happening to someone else. Isn’t that true…

ask for help

The Importance of Sticking Together and Reaching Out for Help

By David Rice | September 9, 2020

By: Dr. David Rice Let’s talk about something that is taught to not talk about: Mental Health. Ask for Help Friends, there is nothing wrong with asking for help. NOTHING. In dentistry, so often, there are tough times and tough days. If we internalize it and don’t talk about it, unfortunate and unnecessary things can…


31 tips to improve your mental health

By David Rice | September 9, 2020

Let’s think about some things that you can do every day to improve your mental health With that in mind, we came across these 31 tips from Mental Health America that can help everyone be at their best mentally. So often we think about what we can do to improve ourselves physically. But, during these…