Dr. Lee Ann Brady

Dr. Lee Ann Brady

Dr. Lee Ann Brady lives in Phoenix, Arizona with her husband Kelly and three children Sarah, Jenna and Kyle. She owns Desert Sun Smiles Dental Care, a private restorative practice in Glendale, Arizona. Outside of her private practice, Dr. Brady is the Director of Education for The Pankey Institute, recognized for hands-on education programs focused on occlusion and restorative dentistry. She is the founder and lead curator of Restorative Nation, a supportive learning community for dentists.

medications that interfere with accurate endodontic diagnosis

Medications that Interfere with Accurate Endodontic Diagnosis

By: Lee Ann Brady DMDTopic Originally Appeared on PankeyGram.Org. Dr. Brady granted permission for igniteDDS to share…

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Simple Tip For Cementation of Crowns on Implant Abutments

Simple Tip For Cementation of Crowns on Implant Abutments

By: Lee Ann Brady, DMDThis Topic Originally Appeared on PankeyGram.Org. Dr. Brady granted permission for igniteDDS to…

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prescription medications for geriatric patients

Careful Prescription of Medications for Geriatric Patients

By: Lee Ann Brady, DMD This topic originally appeared on PankeyGram.Org. Dr. Brady granted permission for igniteDDS to…

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benefits of using desensitizers before tooth prep

4 Main Reasons I Always Use Desensitizers Before Tooth Prep

By: Lee Ann Brady DMDTopic Originally Appeared on PankeyGram.Org. Dr. Brady granted permission for igniteDDS to share…

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six unit anterior bridge

A Six-Unit Anterior Bridge: Provisionals and Placement

By: Lee Ann Brady DMDTopic originally appeared on Pankey.org: Dr. Brady allowed permission for igniteDDS to share…

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A Challenging Hybrid Overdenture Case

A Challenging Hybrid Overdenture Case

By: Dr. Lee Ann Brady, DMDThis topic originally appeared on Pankey.org. Dr. Brady granted permission for igniteDDS…

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dentist doing shade matching on a patient

Prioritizing Value for Ideal Shade Matching with Composites 

By: Lee Ann Brady DMDThis topic originally appeared on Pankey.org: Dr. Brady allowed permission for igniteDDS to…

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hpv and oral cancer patient

HPV and Oral Cancer: Early Detection and Prevention

By: Lee Ann Brady DMDThis topic originally appeared on Pankey.org. Dr. Brady granted permission for igniteDDS to…

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picture of teeth with arrows pointing to the Interdental Papilla

Interdental Papilla: Esthetic Considerations 

By: Lee Ann Brady DMDTopic originally appeared on Pankey.org: Dr. Brady allowed permission for igniteDDS to share…

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lady holding retainers with questions about post orthodontic care

Post-Orthodontic Questions for Retainers 

By: Lee Ann Brady DMDTopic originally appeared on Pankey.org: Dr. Brady allowed permission for igniteDDS to share…

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Tonsilloliths, or tonsil stones

Tonsilloliths: Case Study

By Dr. Jennifer Bell, DDS, FAGD, FICD | November 16, 2022

By: Dr. Jennifer Bell, DDS, FAGD, FICD Have you ever had a patient with tonsilloliths? Here is a case study of my experience with it.

spontaneous bone spurs

Spontaneous Bone Spurs: Case Study

By Dr. Jennifer Bell, DDS, FAGD, FICD | November 9, 2022

By: Dr. Jennifer Bell, DDS, FAGD, FICD Have you ever had a patient with spontaneous bone spurs? Here is a case study of my experience with it.

developing an online presence

Developing an Online Presence for Your Dental Practice

By Len Tau | November 7, 2022

By: Dr. Len Tau It’s no secret that we live in a digital world. COVID made the transfer to online work much more apparent, but the internet has been crucial for businesses, including dentistry, since its inception. You don’t need to look at studies to know how important an online presence is, but research shows…

dentist salaries

What Is The Average Dentist Salary?

By David Rice | November 3, 2022

By: Dr. David Rice It’s easy to find the median dentist salaries in the United States. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) publishes this data. BLS data shows a median salary of $163,220 per year, or about $78 an hour. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, here is on average what dentists…

medicine and dentistry

Separation of Medicine and Dentistry

By Savanah Craig | November 3, 2022

By: Savannah Craig The separation of medicine and dentistry has always confused and fascinated me. As a dentist, we are acutely aware of the impact of oral disease on the rest of the body, but why aren’t medical doctors taught anything about teeth? This question becomes even more apparent when you realize that over a…

stylohyoid calcification

Stylohyoid Calcification: Case Study

By Dr. Jennifer Bell, DDS, FAGD, FICD | November 2, 2022

By: Dr. Jennifer Bell, DDS, FAGD, FICD Have you ever had a patient with stylohyoid calcification? Here is a case study of my experience with it.

periodontal infection

Periodontal Infection: Case Study

By Dr. Jennifer Bell, DDS, FAGD, FICD | October 26, 2022

By: Dr. Jennifer Bell, DDS, FAGD, FICD Have you ever had a patient with a periodontal infection? Here is a case study of my experience with it. Periodontal Infection Patient Information: The patient presented with CC of mobile lower #25 The patient reported mild pain but managing with NSAIDs The patient is concerned that the…

dental mobile outreach

Dental Mobile Outreach Program

By Chris Casterline | October 24, 2022

By: Chris Casterline My name is Chris Casterline and I’m a general dentist in central Kentucky. I currently direct a mobile dental outreach program at a Federally Qualified Health Center, serving over 20 elementary schools. The schools we target are deemed “Tier 1” schools. To be eligible for this designation, over 50% of their students…

physical fitness

Physical Fitness and Dentistry 

By Savanah Craig | October 20, 2022

By: Savannah Craig When I started dental school we had one lecture on ergonomics and that was it. I was still trying to figure out where to fulcrum to get my bur on the tooth I was working on. I didn’t have time to think about where my knees were positioned or how the focal…

fractured tooth

Fractured Tooth: Case Study

By Chad Duplantis, D.D.S, F.A.G.D | October 19, 2022

By: Dr. Chad Duplantis, D.D.S., F.A.G.D Have you ever had a patient with a fractured tooth? Here is a case study of my experience with it. Fractured Tooth: Patient Information 73-year-old female Healthy Extensive dental work in the past, numerous restorations, hx of trigeminal neuralgia controlled by oxcarbazepine CC: I feel I broke a tooth on…