By: Ronda Holman
Are you looking to become a dental assistant or are moving as a current dental assistant? Make sure to check the dental assistant requirements in West Virginia to see if you are still qualified in the state to practice.
Each state has different requirements for dental assistants, here are the levels, and functions permitted for dental assistants in West Virginia.
Levels of Dental Assistants in West Virginia
There are three levels of dental assistants in WV:
1. Dental Assistant
A dental assistant in the state of West Virginia may perform basic supportive dental procedures specified by the state dental practice act under the direct supervision of a licensed dentist. There are no education or training requirements for this level of dental assisting.
Note: A chairside assistant assisting a dentist holding a permit to administer conscious/moderate sedation or general anesthesia/deep sedation must maintain BLS/CPR certification.
2. Dental Assistant Qualified in Expanded Duties
To qualify to perform specified restorative and/or orthodontic expanded duties in West Virginia, a dental assistant must:
- Complete a West Virginia Board of Dentistry (WVBD)-approved course and exam in each of the desired expanded duties, AND
- Complete required clinical experiences under the observation of the supervising dentist, who attests to the dental assistant’s competent performance of the function, AND
- Apply to WVBD for a certificate.
To qualify to perform visual monitoring of nitrous oxide analgesia units in West Virginia, a dental assistant must:
- Complete a WVBD-approved course and exam in monitoring nitrous oxide, AND
- Be currently certified in health care provider CPR through the American Red Cross or the American Heart Association, AND
- Apply to WVBD for a certificate.
To qualify to perform coronal polishing on children under age 21 in West Virginia, a dental assistant must:
- Complete two years, at least 3,000 hours, of clinical experience in a dental office, as attested to by the supervising dentist, AND
- Hold the expanded duties certificate issued by the WVBD, AND
- Complete a WVBD-approved coronal polishing course, AND
- Complete required clinical experiences under the observation of the supervising dentist, who attests to the dental assistant’s competent performance of the function, AND
- Apply to WVBD for a certificate.
2. Qualified Monitor
Any individual, including a dental assistant, acting as a Qualified Monitor during sedation procedures must have received training and be competent in the recognition and treatment of medical emergencies, monitoring vital signs, the operation of nitrous oxide delivery systems, and the use of the sphygmomanometer and stethoscope AND must meet the following requirements:
For relative analgesia/minimal sedation:
- Possess a current health care provider BLS/CPR certification (qualified monitor certificate is not required)
For anxiolysis/minimal sedation:
- Possess a current health care provider BLS/CPR certification, AND
- Apply to the WVBD for a qualified monitor certificate.
For conscious sedation/moderate sedation (limited enteral or comprehensive parenteral) and general anesthesia/deep conscious sedation:
- Possess a current health care provider BLS/CPR certification, AND
- Successfully complete an American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons (AAOMS) or American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) anesthesia assistant’s certification program or equivalent, AND
- Apply to the WVBD for a qualified monitor certificate.
In addition to the above requirements for a Qualified Monitor, for all levels of sedation, including relative analgesia/minimal sedation, when monitoring a nitrous oxide unit, a certificate to monitor nitrous oxide must be obtained from the Board, as described above under “Dental Assistant Qualified in Expanded Duties.”
A dentist holding an anesthesia permit must report the names and qualifications of each Qualified Monitor providing services to that permitholder to the WVBD.
- To learn more, visit the West Virginia Board of Dentistry
- Information gathered from
West Virginia Radiography Requirements
There are no radiography requirements for dental assistants in the state of West Virginia. All dental assistants may legally operate dental X-ray equipment and perform dental radiographic procedures.
Photo by Jenna Richardson